The Future is Here: Electronic Hand Hygiene Monitoring
BioVigil has revolutionized infection control practices in healthcare settings, ensuring patient and provider safety with every interaction.
The BioVigil badge is the heart of our ecosystem. Our advanced technology employs an alcohol vapor sensor to confirm the application of sanitizer. Additionally, our system can be programmed to require a sink wash, which is verified through active engagement at the basin with our sink beacon.
Our cloud-based data suite presents actionable insights, from hand hygiene compliance to contact tracing and staff rounding. This integration allows healthcare facilities to not only monitor compliance but also to actively improve it through detailed reporting and analysis.
BioVigil's system stands out not just for its technical sophistication but for its ease of integration into existing workflows, requiring no facility modifications or IT overhauls, and it works with your existing sanitizer products and dispensers.
The BioVigil Ecosystem
Impressive Outcomes Delivered
in staff
Source: BioVigil Webinar Series "Beyond Hand Hygiene Compliance"
Reduction in
Source: AJIC Article: "An automated hand hygiene compliance system is associated with improved monitoring of hand hygiene"
Average reduction
in unreimbursed cost
of care due to
HAI improvement
Source: AJIC Article "An automated hand hygiene compliance system is associated with decreased rates of health care-associated infections"
Client hand
hygiene opportunities
Source: BioVigil collected opportunities
Client and Patient Testimonials
The green BioVigil hand made me feel safe. I couldn’t see if the workers cleaned their hands before coming in since the sanitizer was in the hallway. But the badge allowed me to know without a doubt they had clean hands.
Every time a nurse or doctor came into my room, I knew they had clean hands because I could see the green hand on the BioVigil badge. That made me feel safe because I knew for sure their hands were clean every single time.
I liked that the BioVigil badge allowed me to see the nurse and doctor’s hands were clean. I didn’t have to worry about them spreading anything to me from another patient.
An organizational culture focused on patient safety has been critical to our team’s success. Our entire enterprise—from frontline staff to executive leadership—has embraced BioVigil Program, recognizing innovation as key to building on that culture and improving patient care.
Our facility is on a path to transform healthcare. Biovigil is one of the tools we have adopted that will help us to create a successful future and bring the highest standards of care to our patients.
Consistent hand hygiene is the single most powerful method to prevent transmission of disease, and our commitment to patient safety and quality-of-care is at the forefront of why we have implemented the BioVigil system.
We anticipate a decline in HAIs as the compliance rate of hand hygiene increases. Working towards clean hands at the point of patient care every day and sustaining this practice is a vital part of the patient safety culture change, and key focus of health care policy. It (BioVigil) is a simple, yet critical intervention to keep our patients safe.
We have a no tolerance policy, and this is a patient safety initiative. If they do not wear their badge, they are not allowed to work in the patient care areas.
Infection prevention is something that everyone in healthcare needs to promote, and hand hygiene is the most basic and effective measure. The BioVigil system instills confidence in patients and their family members that their caregiver is taking the proper precautions to prevent the spread and transmission of infections.
The real bonus is the visual reminder of lighted red, yellow and green hands that remind everyone that we are doing all we can to provide a safe environment. The children love the colors and parents are reassured when we walk in the room that "green is clean".
It’s just astonishing knowing that we would get maybe 1,000 observations in a month- on a really good month- and now we average 25,000 observations a day. Being able to say we have that many and that we know we are over 95% complaint all of the time, and that we can actually prove it now, I think that’s been huge.
I appreciate the work the Hospital is doing to ensure that people wash their hands before they interact with patients. I feel that my mom is safer and more protected from infections in your hospital.